

HOT MELT ADHESIVE   RB-052           
1)用途     適用于手工艺品,玩具,五金,塑胶,发饰品,陶瓷,木工,電腦周邊、汽車電器零配件、電子零件等         
   Purpose For handicrafts, toys, metal, plastic, hair ornaments, ceramics, carpentry         
  computer peripherals, automotive electrical components, electronic parts, etc.          
2)特點  符合RoHS指令SGS環保認證          
   Trait        Match the instruction of RoHS ,SGS          
  材质乙烯醋酸乙烯酯共聚合物  EVA 树脂         
  The basis is Resin and EVA         
3) 使用说明:  使用100-150W热熔胶枪(Instructions for use: Use 100-150W hot melt glue guns)           
測試項目            規格值             測試方式   
TEST  ITEM          RESULT             TEST QUOMODO   
外觀                條狀 (粒狀)        目視法   
Appearance          strip(grain)       On  looking   
顔色                黄色               目視法   
Colour              yellow             On  looking   
氣味                  無               嗅覺   
Odor                N/L    Olfaction   
粘度                8000 ± 1500       Brookfield Thermosel   
Viscosity 180℃,cps           
環球軟化點           90± 5            ASTM E28-67   
Softening Point (℃)           
抗溫點               75 ± 5           ASTM E28-65   
Hard Resistance (℃)           
比重                 1.01              ASTM1475   
Specific Gravity(g/cm3)           
剪切力、松木,PSI             262      ASTM D638-68   
Shear Tensile Strength on Ping,PSI           
張拉力、松木,PSI                238    ASTM Mo D-1002   
Adhesive Tensile on Ping,PSI           
張拉力、鐵片,PSI               380     ASTM Mo D-1002   
Adhesive Tensile on Steel,PSI           
剪切力、鐵片,PSI                190    ASTM D638-68   
Shear Tensile Strength on Steel,PSI           
硬度                           70       邵氏“A”   
Hardness                                Shore“A”   
固化時間                    8 ~ 15        USA:3M針測法   
Solidification time  (S)      USA:3M  needle measures   
操作溫度    160 ~ 180       
Operate temperature(℃)           



0769-23058919 / 23032635

158 1284 2766(肖先生)

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高温热熔胶 | 高温热熔胶棒 | 白色热熔胶棒 | 黄色热熔胶棒 | 黑色热熔胶棒 |